Wednesday, May 12, 2010

You know what I miss??


You know what i miss??? How cordial and respectful people used to be. Now, its my honest opinion that texans are pretty cordial in general..also people in Utah lol

I love how the older mexican people are down here. You can walk into a crowded doctors office and not know a single soul in the place yet upon entering youre greeted with an abundance of 'good morning's and 'good afternoon's. Its such a breath of fresh air.

Wow..this man just sat next to my dad and started talking to him like if hes known him forever...said he just had open heart surgery not too long ago.. Looks like hes doing great to me! He says he just needs to take a breather here and there while he gets back to his old self. Im amazed at the attitude and vitality of all these dialysis patients.

When you start to reflect on how bad you think you have it, think of these people..that go through all of this.

My dad goes through 3 weekly dialysis treatments..4 hours long each..its extremely draining.

And here comes this elderly male.. Looks like hes in his mid to late 70's (at least) and hes a dialysis patient also ..and just went through open heart surgery!

2:06 PM

"no shots for me!" there's this adorable toddler.. His father and grandfather assure him there won't be any for him..its the cutest thing ever. lol


My dads pissed of because he was just called in but was told at 12:30 that a "chair" was available for him..we waited for an hour.. Not only does my dad barely want to come in but he is NOT a patient man. That is a virtue he does not posess lol

2:18 PM

Ok so the man that recently had open heart surgery doesn't do dialysis.. He was only here to pick up his wife :)

2:31 PM

I called the dealership to see how much a replacement key (for my car) would cost - in case i need it. They said it would be $130 and it would be ready in about an hour. Not as bad as i thought. I expected it to be at least $200 because everything for my car is so freakin expensive :( im still waiting on the call from the car alarm place to see if im gonna need a new "programmed" key or if they can fix it. Ive been praying that they can because im so freakin broke right now.. I cant afford it.. But if i need it, im gonna have to figure it out like i always do!

3:47 PM

The alarm place called and my car is ready!!! and they said they had to bump it up to 45.00+tax because they replaced my key themselves. I'm in debt because i need to pay back all that money my dad lent be but YAY.. i looooove my car lol