Saturday, May 29, 2010

Don't even get me started...

OMG today was crazy!!! i woke up.. went to get the results of my TB test (negative, thank you very much! and also good for 1 year lol) went over to moms, then dad wanted to meet up so that i could take him to the pawn shop to pawn something. he got me some groceries even though i didnt ask but i have to admit, i didnt have any food!

i even got cake mix :)

THEN we went to eat at stars.. i just got a huuuuge slush and while dad ate i saw this cute lil bird singin it's lil heart out

then karla asked me to go get her and help her find this part she needed for her AC .. cuz it's been broken forever..

i picked her up and i forgot i had groceries in my car so we came to my house to drop em off and got online to look for the damn part and after all this searching and calling around, i find out it hs to be special ordered and it would take about 2 weeks blah blah blah

we ended up just buying a unit for her window but it didnt fit! we had to go back to walmart and buy a bigger one to put in. the crazy thing is that her AC unit is built into the wall and she was trying to avoid putting one in place of the broken one because um... its a lot of work, of course!!

well needless to say, thats exactly what we ended up doing.. we left walmart and picked up
and of course a big PEPSI for karla lol

we didnt even eat because we got started on helping out with installing the AC.. there was problem after problem.. took it down and put it back up at least 5 times.. mind you, this AC is up on the wall about 6-7 feet.

finally when it seemed like it was almost completely ready, we went to eat and daniela made a cake for their neighbors kids babysitter? (for lack of a better term) lol and it took us like 30 minutes to draw a soccer pattern on that damn cake. so daniela asks us to walk the kids over to their house and take the cake.. we felt and looked like shit (TRUST) and we were embarassed to ring the bell n what not so we let one of the boys (8 years old or so) take the cake the rest of the way.. we were RIGHT there .. karla's talking to me and next thing you know i see the little boy with his head on his hands kinda freakin out.. the cake fell.. face down...completely ruined.. we didnt know what to do

i had to take a picture of at least one of the bad things that happened to us..and they asked to be in the picture lol so cute

roger picked up and all these kids come running to see what happened.. the birthday boy (guy cuz he turned 22) was like.. it's ok.. tell her thank you so much for the cake.. it's the thought that c0unts.. well we went back and told the story to the baker (hehe)
needless to say, she's making him another cake tomorrow.. i feel terrible :(

well, we got inside the house and danielas husband with is karlas bro-in-law was the one doing the "guy work" and we were just helping out.. but he comes in and is like.. i'm sorry.. and karla and i are like ... this really isnt even a surprise.. hes like you have to take the ac back because when i plugged it in.. something just exploded and we're gonna need to take it down and get another one.

karla was so pissed.. it had been at least 3 hours working on that a/c alone.. not including all the running around and what not. i got to her house at about 12 or so and when he said that it was about 9:30 so that outta tell you how long and tiring the day was. she just said.. you know what, i'm gonna return it and i'm not even gonna put an AC there.. forget it..i swear she was on the verge of tears. we were gonna go and clean up her little house because there was a mess after all the hammering, constructing, breaking.. etc when it came to the AC.. were walking over there and the AC was on. THEY TRICKED US LOL omg it was such a relief and we walked in there it was sooo fresh, we were gross and sweaty... disgusting.. u name it. we mustve smelled like 3 days ago lol

i helped her clean up and we just stayed and chilled cuz i live far.. wish i couldve showered there but i had no clothes..for once in my life, i didnt have extra clothes with me lol
we drank a little bit - we deserved it, don't you think??? lol

i left at about 3:30 AM and i couldnt sleep until about 430 or 5 thanks to "him" grr!

needless to say.. it was a very eventful yet productive day!

Friday, May 28, 2010

I tried extending my nail bed..

but it didnt work out so well lol

These are sculptured nails ..i hate doin nails on myself =/

I got the job!!

(at the foster home) and not only that.. BUT i got to choose which position I wanted so of course i chose to work with the babies ages 0-3 and along with that is better pay (salary) and benefits as far as I know!

of course, i had to kneel down and thank GOD for this wonderful opportunity because without him it would not be possible. only by his grace was I able to not only find this job, but get it!

Oh and this also solves my moving/rent problem. I'm moving in over there so i don't have to worry about paying rent here the first of June... I'm really gonna miss this place :( I'm gonna talk to my landlady on monday and see if i can at least get part of my deposit back. Nelly said she'd call me on Tuesday and let me know what time in i can come in on Wednesday for my first day.. i hope we have a uniform or something lol

I'm also trying to sell my treadmill.. for one, i need the money but i also DO NOT wanna move it again lol it's freakin heavy!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Austin, Texas.. here I come! :)

YESSS!!!!.. I shall see the streets (6th Street lol) of Austin once again!

I'm packing as we speak..It's a mess, isn't it? lol

This is one of my bags (got it for christmas couple years ago)


I did laundry today.. yes, i went to a laundromat.. i HAD to :/

  • I cleaned my kitchen..
  • Put louis back in his tank I(its clean now!) but.. i took out all of the plants in there because it's so much work cleaning all that stuff.. grr!!
  • took all (most) of the crap outta my car.. including trash haha!
  • Sold my red shoes *tear*
  • Spent a lil more time with my favorite aunt
Tomorrow morning, my dads gonna change my spark plugs!! and i'll take off from there.

ahhh.. i just love road trips.. dont you????

oh, i saw Planet51 yesterday.. it was so freakin cute

i just finished watching Alvin and the Chipmunks The Squeakuel

I didn't like it very much.. i guess you have to be like 8 in order to enjoy it lol but i like animated movies!.. do you think it matters that i saw it on my computer instead of my tv? lol


I think i wanna do my nails like this..

anyway.. it's getting late and i need to shower and get some sleep.. i miss my sweetheart
why does his mother have to be so mean.. i can't imagine my mom being that way.

like i always say.. i'm no angel.. but i prayed on it!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Don't you just love red shoes???

man.. i loved today.. i'm so glad i got to spend the entire day with my aunt.. shes so freakin hilarious and smart! I always learn something new when i hang out with her. I think she was lonely or sad today.. i hope i was able to cheer her up.. i just got home from spending time with her.

i love her to death!

I better be going to austin this weekend.. haven't been there in a year! christina was preggo with baby k.. probably about 3 months.. don't you just love 6th street?? you MUST!

So i'm gonna pack just in case..

This was just a taste of drunken-ness (lol) 2009

Oh.. and i'm watching roseanne.. i actually kinda like it!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

I got a call back!!!

Yes, i'm one of those people that feels like id rather do something wonderful with my time and job than make loads of $$$$$.. be unhappy.. and make NO difference in the world whatsoever.

I quit my job.. where i felt i made too much money ... and the job was just so easy and blah! *Yes, my boss said i was crazy when i turned in my resignation* Now, I've been unemployed for about 3 months.. ouch..

I applied to this Christian foster organization where they deal with CPS kids and all that. The pay is terrible, the shift is terrible and never set.. it's far from where i live, thus extremely inconvenient.. but WOW.. i love working with kids.. i want to be that positive role model.. that person that they feel they can come to anytime for anything.

I just took the drug test today after they told me yesterday that my references were great.

Oh, there was a freakin tornado warning while i was at the Lab for the urine test.. my car stalled on me on my way home since my car is so low and the roads were flooded! Super scary.. imagine being stuck in the middle of a road.. nowhere to go.. during a tornado! Thank God i made it home..i'm no angel, but i swear i prayed all the way home and even when i got here. Thank ya, JESUS!!! hehe :)

My Ring

The bracelet i wore today..

YAY! :)

Saturday, May 15, 2010

If you weren't at the beach...

then you missed out!!! It started off cloudy and windy but we went n had a burger at this bar type of place and it was freakin delicious... there was a bit of a drizzle, but it didnt last long at all.. and the sun was at full force for at least 2 hours.. which is all we needed.. my friend Karla was so crispy brown.. a beaauutiful tan! I never tan easily but I have some slight tan lines lol

We took off kinda late because we didnt wake up as early as we thought we would. We didn't even go out Friday night so we wouldn't be hung over at the beach.. lol oh well, it was still amazing.. got back at about 8 PM .. my house and car are now very sandy! buttt it was so worth it :)

We even cruised by so many cute.. beautiful.. unique.. beach houses, however,..

This one had TINY doors!! What the hell?!

The garage doors on this one...

The sun finally came out!! weee.. yay!! hip hip hooray! ..

wahoo? hehe :)

The 'Wahoo' View lol

My lovely friend

Our margaritas ;]

There was a dolphin watch.. jetski rental next door..

My friends bright toes lol

My sand va-jay-jay lol

A beach wedding was in the process of being set up..

I tried to be discreet but I had to get a picture of these drunk people.
The girl standing next to the can was peeing and the girl on the floor next to her had a can in her hand and she was supposed to be gathering her pee. LOL. don't know if someone got stung by jellyfish or she was just drunk as hell.

Karla worshipping the sun lol

This trio.. is reminded me of our lil trio.. im the fat one looking on while my 2 friends have fun and play in the water (im scared of the ocean! lol)

She's admiring her beautiful tan lol

Yes we were reading this..

Time to go home...

Friday, May 14, 2010

Blackhead remover Tip

Ok, so I found out that using Elmer's glue can help you get rid of blackheads.. what? no way, right? lol well .. wrong, actually.. it WORKED.. and at the risk of posting a gross picture of my blackheads.. ahhhh ok fine, i'll do it haha

All I did was spread a thin layer over my nose.. and let it completely .. took about 10 minutes or so.. then, I just peeled it off.. and voila!
Pretty neat. It beats buying something that costs $6+ (i.e. pore strips)