Tuesday, June 29, 2010

I was Stranded!!!

Since My car is working now..

I moved all my stuff out to moms because marta didnt have the room ready and since we're waiting for hurricane alex to come i need to get my stuff out ASAP.. it rained.. I was running around since 7 am. went to the mall.. got my bday gift from sephora and some undies from VS..while there i got a call from an employment agency that wanted me to go fill out an application for an immediate opening for a clerk at a car dealership. on my way to get some gas before i went to fill out the application, i got stranged without gas ( is it really a surprise .. look at all the bad stuff that has happened this month)

i had to walk to my lil house to get gas can, walked to store then back to the car..OMG i probably walked a total of 2 miles.. i was wearing a skirt and sandals.. also a cardigan.. it was hot as hell! at the gas station a good samaritan saw me .. a girl in a hummer (she was nice) but it was kinda late.. since i was practically already at my car. I had spilled gas on myself so i smelled like gas and it freakin burned my leg. I put the gas in my car then went back to the gas station to get more gas before i got stranded again. then i went to fill out the application all sweaty, gross and smelling like gas but honestly i didnt give a damn!!!

just another day in the life of annette..

Friday, June 25, 2010

Youre Full Of It

the Boy cried a lil over stuff ive done , tellin me how he appreciates all the things ive done for him. but yea right.. gimme what i need.. more time.. and if you can't.. well we both need to move on. ugh, i hate feeling unappreciated..

Your Full Of IT

the Boy cried a lil over stuff ive done , tellin me how he appreciates all the things ive done for him. but yea right.. gimme what i need.. more time.. and if you can't.. well we both need to move on. ugh, i hate feeling unappreciated..

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

My Car Broke Down

it's overheating..Suprised?? we'll dont be.. just read my posts for the entire month of june and you'll see that this is indefinitely the worst month ever!

dad's coming over sunday so we can check the thermostat
(since i'm posting this later .. it's not the thermostat.. it was working fine.. needed transmission fluid took it for a test drive and it seems to be working well.

Sold my treadmill today.. WAY to cheap , but im desperate and needed the money to fix the car, pay a loan and in order to put gas in my car.. now i'm broke all over again lol

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

It's a Girl!

Christina said she's having a girl! I told her to stop having babies after this one LOL :)

Friday, June 11, 2010

Christina's Preggo.. again

Christina just told me shes 3 months preggo today.. preggo again.. (while on birth control which goes to show nothing is 100%) and Kaveon is 9 months.. i think she said her due date was Christmas eve... Kaveon will be a lil over a year old and she would have just turned 24 on October 1st... OUCH.. i know it's gonna be tough

Monday, June 7, 2010

I HATE Sprint sometimes!

Yup. .. another addition to the month from hell..

they wont fix my damn phone (even though i pay $7 a month for service, repair and replacement!) because it has a crack on the side. WTF!? so i paid a ridiculous amount of money for this phone and pay for insurance so i can get screwed. UGH!